3ds max 2016 tutorial
3ds max 2016 tutorial

The iray renderer also offers auxiliary buffers Render Elements (Alpha, Normal and Depth): By default the irradiance buffer is converted to a heatmap, displaying the lux (or footcandle) values with false colors:Īuxiliary Buffers Render Elements: Alpha, Normal, Depth It is recommended to turn off tone mapping when computing irradiance. The iray renderer offers a new Render Element “iray: Irradiance”: We will create a dedicated blogpost to explain this mechanism. Lights and objects need to be grouped into layers before they can be referenced in LPEs. Light Path Expressions (LPEs) for iray have been extended to allow light-specific and object-specific paths. See for details, the level of compression exposed in 3ds Max 2016 is the “medium”. The iray “Texture Compression” can save around 75% of texture memory on both CPU and GPU. Section planes can either cut off the geometry completely (so let the light in), or let the viewer take a peek inside, see “Clip Light” parameter. The “iray Section” behaves similarly to the “Grid” helper and is used to cut off the geometry in the rendered image. The iray renderer offers a new helper object “iray Section”. Note: there is an internal limit of 8 million triangles per object. Each input triangle is subdivided into 4 (Subdivision Level) triangles.

3ds max 2016 tutorial

A higher “Subdivision Level” results in a higher triangle count. The “Subdivision Level” specifies how many times each input triangle should be subdivided. The parametric approximation method regularly subdivides each triangle of the surface. Object Properties/mental ray tab – Displacement Settings This method is available from the “Render Setup/Renderer” tab and from the “Object Properties/mental ray” tab.

3ds max 2016 tutorial

The mental ray and the iray renderers now offer the “Parametric” approximation method which can help to troubleshoot scenes where the “Length” method exhibits artifacts, for example scenes with very regular and flat geometry. “Falloff” controls how much the occlusion fades out with distance.

3ds max 2016 tutorial

The “Max Distance” controls the maximum distance of occlusion probe rays (Note: Value 0 for “Max Distance” means infinite distance). Mental ray offers a new, efficient, GPU accelerated “mr Ambient Occlusion” render element. This mechanism is typically useful in scenes with many lights, but can be beneficial also in other simpler cases. Both area and point lights are importance-sampled, and there is no fundamental change required in material and light shaders. It is an importance-driven mechanism that is controlled by a simple set of parameters.

3ds max 2016 tutorial

The new Light Importance Sampling mechanism in mental ray allows to sample the whole set of lights as if it were one single light, placing more samples on the lights that contribute more to the part of the scene being rendered.


We will create a dedicated blog post to explain how to enable MDL in 3ds Max 2016. mental ray for 3ds Max 2016 is capable of rendering pre-packaged MDL materials. The Material Definition Language (MDL) is an NVIDIA initiative to standardize physically based material designs in a common format, see. NVIDIA Material Definition Language (MDL) Here is an overview of the mental ray and iray features which were integrated in 3ds Max 2016.

3ds max 2016 tutorial